Stone to Flesh

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Enter into the silence.  Release your pain.  Return whole.

This past week I visited the Transfiguration Monastery (Eastern Ukrainian Catholic) of Mount Tabor in Northern California with a few missionaries from Stone to Flesh and close friends. The monastery is tucked away in a forest in Redwood Valley and welcomes people by stating: Enter into the silence.  Release your pain.  Return whole. We will accompany you on this this place.

There, I was able to join the brothers daily for Matins (starting at 5:30 am), Divine Liturgy, Noon Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Compline, while observing silence, giving myself space to wonder, and encountering the hardship and beauty of everyday life they have vowed to live away from the world.

We joined the brothers during the middle of the Apostles Fast, which we all observed together by eating only fruit, bread, and nuts during the day until dinner, where we could have a bigger vegan meal. It was great to join in the Eastern Rite Fast, that Stone to Flesh observes, with a monastic order and to do so in a prayerful atmosphere. Our days were filled with prayer, work, study, silence, and fellowship (over 4 hours daily of communal prayer and 4 hours of work daily except feast days). The monastery observes a gentle silence (talking only when necessary) most of the day and a great silence (no talking) after Compline (last prayer of the day) until Matins (first-morning prayer) in the morning.

The days leading up to the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 23rd after evening prayer), Fr. Agapetos guided us in daily Bible studies, unfolding the mystery of St. John’s life in Scripture. It was eye-opening to live with the Word and to dive in a new way into the origins of the forerunner, his entry into this world, and the echoes of his life spreading throughout the Scriptures. Beyond our study of daily Scriptures, especially of the Psalms, I was also fortunate to go on a long hike with Fr. Agapetos and a couple of others, praying the first 33 Psalms out loud. That was a first for me! Fr. Agapetos walks so fast it was hard to keep up! I was also blessed to sing one of my favorite songs (Agni Parthene in English) for the procession of a new icon that was being installed in a shrine. I was able to cook for the brothers, listen to their fascinating lives, and work on icons with Abbot Damian (iconographer), which was an amazing experience! I worked alongside the brothers on various tasks needed around the monastery and followed the rhythm they lived, which was one of the main reasons for my stay. I’ve always wanted to visit an Eastern Rite Monastery and join in living the life they live daily. It was filled with beauty, truth, and goodness. I can finally say my dream came true! 

On one of the last days together, we were able to gather around and share what the Lord had done in our hearts the last week. I agree with the words Fr. Agapetos shared that, because of our openness to seek the Holy Spirit, like the Theotokos of the Sign, we truly witnessed community birth and grow among us. It was a beautiful and holy way of life that was different from what I have experienced. I’ll never forget my time there. The relationships that were formed will last a lifetime and are true answers to prayers.

In this place the Presence of the Trinity is tangible. If you get the chance to visit an Eastern Rite monastery, don’t hesitate. Go for as long as you can and enter in fully. I received from doing my best to follow their rule of life for 8 days. No words can do it justice.

To pray with a community of believers like them every day brought me to tears. I felt heaven truly touching earth in the little wooden church where we shared the Eucharist, interceded for the world, sang the psalms, asked each other for forgiveness, and raised our hearts in worship and praise to the Lord. I experienced heavenly community in the words and silences shared with one another, the wisdom of the brothers at the monastery, and especially our daily Bible studies with Fr. Agapetos, who speaks true things to the heart of every human. I left with greater peace, zeal, and awe of the Lord and all the good gifts He gives me.

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