“Alpha is a series of dinner conversations, run over 8 weeks, including an overnight retreat, where anyone can explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. Everyone is welcome, but Alpha is designed particularly for people who would not describe themselves as Christians or go to church.”
As an Alpha Team member at Stone to Flesh Community you have the privilege of building and cultivating the culture of hospitality which leads to evangelization in a friendly and powerful atmosphere of His Presence. This page includes all info needed to prepare and conduct Alpha Course in your location.
Millions of people have tried Alpha, all around the world. Who will you invite?
Exploring is good. We're built for it. Explore life, faith and meaning. Try Alpha.
Alpha Team Leader:
Gather team for your local Alpha. Secure location.
Participate in Alpha Training with your team.
Oversee team’s further training, provide timely feedback and encouragement for your team after each Alpha session.
Coordinate retreat responsibilities with Alpha Coordinator.
All of below:
expectations for Alpha Team member:
Participate in Alpha Team Training before each Alpha Course. Next one will be in August 2019.
Uphold vision, values and culture of STF Community while conducting Alpha because you are now Stone to Flesh tribe face.
Watch Training videos:
all Alpha Team Training videos at your convenience. Send questions to your local Alpha Team leaders
Promote Alpha @Stone toFlesh by:
using STF Alpha Resources to share images and videos on social media and distribute flyers.
using Alpha Promotional digital materials and STF social media assets on Fb and IG
actively and intentionally inviting people to Alpha and upholding the mission of invitation to Alpha throughout the year
Cooperate with your local Alpha Leader in:
prayer and organizational prep
providing weekly feedback concerning conducting Alpha. Your skills, gifts and experience are super important and your local Alpha Team leader wants to hear from you! Ask for any assistance you need
using Alpha Team Guide (physical copy, online digital or downloadable version): No matter what your role is on your team, you have to familiarize yourself with the topic and purpose of each week prior to the weekly session. Please, ask us for your free Alpha Team Guide physical book if you need one: info@majorchange.org
Alpha Youth Team members need to follow Archdiocesan Programs and Action for the Protection of Children and Young People requirements prior to be admitted to the Alpha Team even if they pass STF Alpha Team Training
Familiarize yourself with Alpha in the Catholic Context resources and “Answers to the 10 Most Common Objections to Running Alpha in a Catholic Context”
Highly recommended: Participate in yearly Alpha Conference
Alpha team members: Leader, Host, Helper, Hospitality, Intercessor, Tech.
Alpha in the Catholic Context impact
alpha @Stone to Flesh
winter 2020
STF Alpha Coordinator: Iwona Bednarz-Major
Please, refer to your local Alpha Team Leaders with questions about local Alpha.
Books on evangelization through hospitality:
Books that help seekers:
How to change the culture of your parish while incorporating Alpha: