stone to flesh
Invite us to your parish, bar, youth or young adult ministry, neighborhood, prayer group, school, college, home, organization, street or religious community to minister in any capacity described below.
We will work closely with you by taking care of the training your team, marketing, gathering and leading the whole event or series of events. Our main purpose is to provide a platform for an encounter with Jesus in a wholesome atmosphere with expectance of the supernatural power of God invading hearts.
Click below to invite full-time or voluntary Stone to Flesh Missionaries:
Adoration in Pasadena
Parish Retreat in Huntington Beach, CA
Adoration or worship event & Community Building
Adoration. That's the gravity point for the whole evening where we aim to encounter Jesus in silence, praise and worship, Taize chants, ministry time, Lectio Divina, chanted Night Prayer.
Worship event. One time prayer meeting with ministry teams and a specific focus (prayer, renewal, repentance, healing, worship, evangelization etc.)
After-party: Community building. You provide the meal and we set the post - Adoration event with a 20 min talk with practicum, testimonies and bonding conversations that will set the tone for the spiritual engagement.
evangelization and renewal
Parish Mission:
2-3 evenings or weekend parish mission. We take care of most of the details. Our focus, forms, and topics can range widely.
Praying and Singing the Scriptures (Lectio Divina)
How to Hear God’s Voice?
What Are My Ministry Gifts (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher)
Training your Alpha parish or community team in hospitality in the post-Christian landscape for society and conducting Alpha courses
Consulting during and post-Alpha course
Lead weekend long or longer retreat for parish, young adult group, youth group, organization or community; Confirmation Prep Group, RCIA, Baptism classes etc.
HUMANUM Course in Santa Ana
We conduct course for your parish, young adult group, married couples group or organization.
Alpha (ten week long course exploring faith in a non-judgmental and non-religious context)
Marriage Course (seven weeks long course for married or living together couples, focused on communication, building the fundaments of Christian family)
HUMANUM Course (six weeks long course on complementarity, building philosophical and spiritual background for marriage)
Lectio Divina (four weeks long course on how to pray and hear God’s voice)
Spiritual Reading courses
1witness Young Adult Conference in Azusa
conferences and intensives
Invite us to organize and coordinate conference for your parish, organization, young adult ministry, youth group
If needed, we provide: marketing, branding with an online presence, talks, worship, ministry teams (including training)
We organize conferences (for a wider audience) or one day intensives (for people ready for more than the basics) with teaching, prayer, activations, praise and worship and ministry time:
Healing Intensive
Deliverance Intensive
Prophetic Intensive
Evangelization Intensive
Prayer Intensive
CAFE Women Ministry in Pasadena
Ministry Team Training
INVITE US FOR CONSULTATION WITH YOUR evangelization or ministry team, youth or young adult MINISTRY LEADERS
We come with one or several Stone to Flesh leaders to meet with your ministry's core leaders to help you in moving your ministry forward.
Phase I: Initially we observe & discover, pray & discern, converse & listen. Length: one event participation and 1 hour initial conversation.
Phase II: We suggest spiritual, leadership, formational and relational improvements. Length: Ranging from a minimum of 2 hours, to several meetings, if you want to move to total rebranding or discerning the future in strategic ways.
Phase III: We stay in contact as advisors or mentors, if needed. We collaborate and serve with your ministry in the area.
MInistry teams TRAINING
Training. We will meet with your core leadership group to recognize the needs and to discern our participation in your ministry. We provide teaching in: prayer, healing and deliverance, identity in Love, evangelization, leadership, community building and many more. We come mainly as speakers, mentors.