Wednesdays, 7-8:45 pm
Alpha Launch: April 3, 2024
Ends May 22, 2024
Alpha Weekend: May 2024
1050 163rd St.
Gardena, CA 90247
What is this about?
Search for life's deepest meaning and examine your happiness. Explore Christianity and Jesus. Meet like minded seekers who try to figure out what this life is all about. No question is too dumb and you can share your point of view on anything without feeling isolated. It lasts eight weeks and includes “Experience God” weekend away.
Each alpha session includes:
simple meal, short film, discussion
We provide a simple meal and awesome mood in a friendly and informal atmosphere.
Tired after work or school? Come to unwind and connect with other seekers.
We watch 20-25 minute film. The range of topics presented in them is vast but they all focus on discovering what is needed to have a happy and fulfilled life.
We guarantee that you will not be bored!
We exchange our opinions and views on topics presented in the film. You may ask any question in a non-judgmental atmosphere to help you present your point.
We aim to listen to your story and to get to know you, the real you.
What's the cost?
The course is free.
You may donate money for meals below or during the session but do not feel obliged. Alpha is free!
Alpha Weekend
Alpha Weekend’s cost is approx. $180. Let the price not discourage you from participating in Alpha!
Join us in bringing people to jesus:
Click below and pick Evangelization: Alpha
Since February 2017 we have conducted 17 Alpha courses in Azusa, Hollywood, La Habra, La Verne, Sylmar, Riverside, West Covina, Gardena, and several online editions. If you are interested in hosting Alpha in your home, parish or organization, and would like to invite our Alpha Team for training or/and conducting Alpha, contact: iwona@stonetoflesh.org