MBC Jump School is a 48-hour version of the popular eight-week intensive called Messenger Boot Camp (MBC).
Save the dates if you want to collaborate with the Body of Christ getting ready for a week long (Oct. 29 - Nov. 3) outreach Love L.A. in which Catholics will participate for the first time. If you want to be equipped by those who 'do the stuff' as in the Book of Acts on a regular basis and are training, deploying and supporting the troops, show up at Pasadena International House of Prayer Sept. 29 - Oct. 1 for a 48h intensive Messenger Boot Camp. You will meet likeminded people and will be impacted by the stories of Christ power being manifested in our midst.
Friday, September 29
6:00pm Intro to Jump School
6:30pm Worship and Prayer
7:30pm Gospel of Intimacy
9:00pm Ministry Time
Saturday, September 30
9:00am Worship and Prayer
10:00am The Work of Evangelism
12:00pm Lunch Outreach
2:00pm Worship and Prayer
3:00pm The Message
4:00pm Intro to Encounter
6:00pm Final Outreach
9:30pm Debrief
10:00pm Release