No one can claim that Jesus belongs only to them. The division of Christians separated from each other is a scandal in the Body of Christ which is broken and suffering. We do not claim to have the answers, wisdom, knowledge or particular insight into this situation but we are reading the signs of the times and we are recognizing the need to pray and get to know each other in local situations so the Holy Spirit can awaken our hearts to #makeusone.
We choose conversations above suspicions, humility above keeping the sense of being right and love that is not only a deep affection but shows itself in action.
Celebrate the end of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity by joining Stone to Flesh School of the Heart students with Azusa Pacific University students opening Quo Vadis Catholic Club at APU in an evening of prayer, meditation, Taize chants, prophetic praise and worship, silence, Adoration and a gathering.
7:15pm The doors open
7:30pm Welcome
7:35pm Taize chants, Adoration starts
8:00pm Singing Lectio Divina (harp and bowl) based on the Ex 15: 1-21, text prepared by The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and by The Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.
8:25pm Silence
8:45pm Prophetic praise and worship with ministry time
9:15pm Chanted Night Prayer (Compline)
9:30pm Gathering with refreshments. Conversations. Sharing.
10:00pm The end
1. What is a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity?
It is a week of prayer jointly prepared and published by The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, The Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.
2. How long has this been going on?
Those dates were proposed in 1908 by Fr. Paul Watson to cover the days between the feasts of St Peter and St Paul, and therefore have a symbolic significance.
3. What should Catholic think of praying with non-Catholic Christians?
Catholics pray for the ecumenism of friendship and practice spiritual ecumenism. Based on relationships and friendship they may organize projects in collaboration with ministries who are open to receive Catholic presence and want to engage in the exchange of the gifts.
4. I am not familiar with the idea of ecumenism and practicing ecumenical prayer. Where can I learn more?
Click HERE for official documents, articles, books, Catholic Apostolates promoting ecumenism, ecumenical communities, movies, videos, documentaries.
5. What are Taize chants and Singing Lectio Divina?
Taize chants are short meditative and repetitive songs that enable people to enter into God's presence quickly and deeply.
Lectio Divina is an ancient Christian way of reading, meditating and praying the Scriptures, ending in prolonged silence for contemplation (waiting on the Lord to speak to your heart). We sing Lectio Divina, similarily to harp and bowl model of Worship with the Word practiced at the International House of Prayer.
6. I am not a Catholic but would like to come. How will I feel and what is Adoration and Night Prsyer? You will be welcome as a brother or sister in Christ, as all of us are the children of one Father.
Eucharistic Adoration is a Catholic worship of Jesus' Body, Soul and Divinity in a consecrated host placed in a monstrance on the altar. You may follow others in bodily postures during Adoration (kneeling, sitting) but if you do not feel comfortable kneeling, you may sit or stand up. Please, keep in mind that the Eucharistic Adoration is a solemn worship service for all Catholics.
Night Prayer (Compline) is the last liturgical prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours (also known as Breviary or Divine Office). We chant it with simple Gregorian tones which you will be able to follow in 10 sec of hearing it.
All texts and explanations of what is happening will be provided so you will not feel lost. :-)
7. How can I help?
You may help by bringing some refreshments, drinks and helping us to take down all set up after the event at 10:30pm - 11:00 pm.
8. I am from APU and I want to know more.
Contact Keith Major:
9. Do I have to register?
No, but click below if you are planning to come and want to stay informed about various exciting developments :