Experience Jewish Passover meal pointing toward Jesus' ultimate sacrifice.
Traditional foods include matzo meal soup, roasted lamb, haroset. This is a 2.5h sit down event, with optional Jewish dancing at the end. :-)
Families are welcome, but children and teens under 18 need to come with an older sibling or a parent. A table for smaller kids with the young adults overseeing Holy Week activities will be on a side of the room.
We serve wine during Seder, and the least amount to be traditionally drank for this celebration is four small sips. Anyone who would rather drink grape juice, please indicate in the sign up list.
We will use Haggadah from the Association of Hebrew Catholics.
Price: $15 per adult (all 13 years old and up), $7.50 per child 4-12, free for a child 3 years old and under. Discount for those who will bring a prescribed side dish for 10 people.
28. It is becoming familiar in many parishes and Catholic homes to participate in a Passover Seder during Holy Week. This practice can have educational and spiritual value. It is wrong, however, to "baptize" the Seder by ending it with New Testament readings about the Last Supper or, worse, turn it into a prologue to the Eucharist. Such mergings distort both traditions. The following advice should prove useful:
When Christians celebrate this sacred feast among themselves, the rites of the haggadah for the seder should be respected in all their integrity. The seder . . . should be celebrated in a dignified manner and with sensitivity to those to whom the seder truly belongs. The primary reason why Christians may celebrate the festival of Passover should be to acknowledge common roots in the history of salvation. Any sense of "restaging" the Last Supper of the Lord Jesus should be avoided .... The rites of the Triduum are the [Church's] annual memorial of the events of Jesus' dying and rising (Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy Newsletter, March 1980, p. 12 from God's Mercy Endures Forever: Guidelines on the Presentation of Jews and Judaism in Catholic Preaching
P.S. It should be celebrated on Holy Thursday, but this day is such a big celebration for all Catholics that the priority for us is to start celebrating Triduum.