All info about STF Prophetic School (full time and separate sessions), on location and/or ONLINE is HERE. You must read it first.
September: Prophetic Worship - Songs of the Heart
By Nathan and Rachel Panke from The Modern Psalmist, worship leaders at the Gateway House of Prayer.
This Session is all about enjoying the Holy Spirit's presence, entering into the delight, dwelling in the Father's Heart, aligning with His purposes and releasing the sound of heaven in our lives.
Session I
8:30 The doors open, coffee
9:00 Praise and Worship, prayer
9:30 Testimony
9:40 Intro to the Prophetic School: Keith and Iwona Major
10:00 Prophetic Worship: Songs of the Heart. Why do we all need to sing prophetically? - Nathan Panke
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 Prophetic Worship: The Secret Ingredient. What are the human and the supernatural elements in worshipping prophetically. - Practicum and Q and A with Nathan Panke and Iwona Bednarz-Major
12:00pm Lunch
Session II
1:00pm Prophetic Worship: It's not only about singing. How to worship as a family, with friends, how to teach kids and teens to enter into the Trinitarian Presence - Nathan and Rachel Panke
1:45pm Practicum II: (split in groups)
Worship and prayer leaders session: Nathan Panke
How to prepare in life and before a worship set to lead others.
How to lead a prayer and worship team consistently and purposefully.
Q & A
Entering and staying in the realm of the Spirit: Iwona Bednarz-Major
How to enter into the realm of the Spirit and stay there in a worshipful mode, no matter circumstances, place or time.
Mass(ive) worship challenge.
Q & A
2:30 pm Coffe break
2:45 Practicum III: Prophetic Worship set with ministry time
3:45 Announcements
4:00 The end
What is Prophetic School and why are you doing it? What's the difference between attending one session of my choice or becoming full-time student?
Is it only for praise and worship leaders?
No. It's for everyone who struggles, is stuck or wants to develop in the area of prayer, worship (including sacramental), for all who desire to deepen their relationship with God.
Who will benefit especially?
All leaders: parents, professional and church leadership, ministers, community influencers.
Nathan Panke appeared in Onething Catholic Ecumenical Track panels in the International House of Prayer organized by MajorChange (Keith and Iwona's non-profit)