discernment of spirits

“Do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they belong to God.” - An advise of St. John the Apostle to Christians 90 years after Jesus’ resurrection. The first Church relied on the gifts of discernment while operating in uncertain and even hostile environment. The same Holy Spirit supports our feeble hearts and minds today in discerning what’s true, good and beautiful while leading us away from the traps of gnosticism and deception.

Join eight week online course to go deeper in the operating in the gift of discernment of spirits.

Thursdays, 6pm - 7pm PST - April 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 ONLINE


Discernment of spirits is needed in daily life, praying for others, praying for physical, emotional and spiritual healing, growth in virtues and development of becoming Christ like, apostolic & pastoral work, hearing the signs of times and walking where the Father wants to send us.

After years in the Catholic and Evangelical Charismatic streams which focus on operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, healing and deliverance, and the supernatural experiences, I have seen it all. Great and good, as well as goofy to harmful advises, prayers, and practices due to the wrong discernment, in personal life and pastoral approach and advise. I am not an expert, by any means, but I would like to share a lot of the insights I have gained in discerning of the natural and supernatural activity of God around but especially within the heart of a Christian.

This eight-weeks long (April and May 2024) Part 1 of Discernment of the Spirits Course online will encompass:

  • Deception, confusion, pseudo - mysticism - Discernment lessons from the past about Charismatic and mystical experiences in the Church, saints, heretics and schismatics, popular movements and groups; understanding therapeutic healing of sacraments, prayer, suffering, obedience and psychological knowledge - ancient and modern; what the Church and Desert Fathers knew that modern psychologists discover only now?

  • Spiritual manifestations - Controversies in Charismatic practices regarding discerning the move and effect of the Holy Spirit’s works on individuals; some questions regarding adopting non-Catholic Christian Charismatic practices - discerning the origin of manifestations

  • Temple Order - Gradation of gifts, virtues, beatitudes; character & grace - faith and reason, fruitfulness and questions of sources of supernatural experiences and syncretic practices - practices of discernment within Christian biblical principles of discernment; how modern psychology can clean up some messes and prepare for discernment?

  • Somatic discernment - Sensations, physical signs of the supernatural presence - what to do when people fall, shake, and behave weird - discerning traumatic past; discerning therapeutic approach to healing

  • Psyche discernment - Natural Order - Emotional & rational discernment; thoughts, desires, feelings - discerning carnality and God’s work of maturing heart in Christ; prophetic or psychic?

  • Spiritual Discernment - Supernatural Order - Gifts of the Holy Spirit assisting in discernment; non-conceptual forms of communication; dreams, visions, ecstasies, locutions, other mystical experiences

Based on St. Anthony of the Desert, Ignatius of Loyola, St. Theresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Hildegard of Bingen, St. John Paul II, St. Francis de Sales, Fr. Ronald Knox, Fr. Garrigou Lagrange, Fr. Thomas Dubay, Vatican Pontifical Councils. Advised readings will be shared.

I will also share a lot from my experiences from Catholic Charismatic groups in Europe and USA, Taize, Vineyard, Ellel, YWAM, IHOPKC which I was part of and in many leadership roles in those through the years, with all its great, biblical and sound teachings and practices. Including cautionary insights from controversial, even scandalous effects from some of them and its far reaching consequences.


Each session will include: 40 min interactive teaching, 10 min Q and A, 10 min prayer

Disclaimer: Some topics might take longer but all will be covered if not in this course, then in part 2.

  • Not specifically but it will give you tools to help discern the will of God.

  • The main aim is not to discern religious life but it will definitely help and answer a lot of questions you might have.

  • It will cover the principles of Ignatian Discernment and when to use it.

  • You can purchase and read “Authenticity - A Biblical Theology of Discernment” by Fr. T. Dubay alongside if you are ready to dive deeper

Who is this for?

Anyone involved in Charismatic or contemplative practices, especially leaders. Catechists, prayer leaders, ministry groups.

Perfect for SOTH and FLOW alumni (10% off) to continue spiritual learning in your daily life and ministry.