El Camino real
walking Pilgrimage 2021
82 miles from San Diego Mission, via San Luis Rey Mission, to San Juan Capistrano Mission
Siempre Adelante Always Forward
June 20-25
Iwona, Vince, and Teah, our full-time Missionaries are embarking on this pilgrimage with eight others with an intention to pray for our supporters and to gain new ones! Please, consider joining our mission as Stone to Flesh full-time Missionaries.
sponsor each mile of the pilgrimage (give monthly $82 for a year and become instantaneous RED HEART SPONSOR)
become a HEART SPONSOR (give monthly $25, $50, $100 or more to one of the full-time Missionaries)
sponsor one or more missionaries one time (give one time)
Start your journey in supporting our full-time missionaries by choosing the team you want to be on!
Pilgrimage is a physical journey that resembles the heart’s progress toward a place of theophany where God reveals himself. The theme of pilgrimage is a multi-faceted concept that includes ideas of journey, experiencing exile, living as a pilgrim and sojourner, and the quest for a homeland. We are open to the whole human experience, accepting individual challenges and communal support during this journey.
Some of us decided to try to follow in the footsteps of the founders of California missions, Franciscan friars, and encounter God in nature, places, and historical missions but especially in fellow peregrinos (pilgrims).
We will spend each day on personal and communal prayer, silence, sharing words and meals, resting and breathing the atmosphere of SoCal. The style of pilgrimage is similar to that of the Camino in Spain, we travel in small groups only.
“Solvitur ambulando. It is solved by walking.”
Send your prayer requests:
Our focus will be Obedience in Discipleship. We will pray through the Psalms of Ascent (120-134) as the pilgrims did journeying to Jerusalem in Jesus’ times.
We will walk El Camino Real section from San Diego Mission, through San Luis Rey Mission to San Juan Capistrano Mission. The journey will take five days and 82 miles in a backpacking style, staying in cheap motels or B&B, for the lack of typical pilgrim’s houses.
We are planning to continue El Camino Real Pilgrimage in short distances, walking from Mission to Mission soon.