Heal the brokenhearted
Our mission is to bring the wounded to the loving embrace of the Father, so they can experience His healing touch and become childlike believers.
Equip believers
Our mission is to equip believers by assisting in virtuous living, developing their charisms, and helping them to discern and live their identity in Jesus.
Release disciples
Our mission is to prepare disciples to fulfill the mission to which Jesus calls them by releasing students to their new paradigms of life and ministry.
To empower the laity to renew the expression of Christian Catholic life in families, neighborhoods, parishes, and marketplaces.
Our community is open to all. Our roots and theological understanding come from the rich theological and existential heritage of the Catholic Church. We are accountable to Bishop David G. O'Connell, Episcopal Vicar of the San Gabriel Pastoral Region of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Worship of our Creator with our life is fundamental for us. We want to develop great worship settings that will be conducive to hosting the presence of God, cultivate life changing encounters and create beautiful art expressions of life pursuing Father's love, discovering Jesus and drinking from the stream of the Spirit.
We proclaim the risen Christ through words and deeds: preaching and the works of mercy, engaging in various forms of evangelization in the midst of post-Christian worldview as well as among unchurched baptized seekers. Our path of discipleship starts at our families, places of work, neighborhoods and parishes.
We expect the supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit to break through in our midst. We follow the Tradition of the New Testament Church and our great mystics as well as the wisdom of all Christians who walk in the Spirit and bring fruit.
We operate in the spirit of 'gift exchange'. We receive from our brothers and sisters from the whole Body of Christ and we are ready to offer the gifts we have received from 2,000 years of witnessing to Christ's power.
Love will draw us in and we will seek the paths that lead to the intimate chambers of God's presence. We want to dwell where He is. We will not rest until we find Him. We will leave all behind and stop pretending we are ok. But when joy will strike our days, we will laugh until we reach the smile of God. In other words, grace cannot be forced but it can be resisted, and if we want our hearts to soften, we need to dig deep to the roots of our identity. Intimacy cultivated honor knees before our God will keep us honest.
Recognizing our weaknesses and cultural and societal pressures, we encourage everyone to strip all masks of pretentiousness, performing to earn love, or any layer that was put on because of fear, negligence, rejection, or abuse. We will create a space of acceptance for all prodigals who run into the arms of the Father. Dive into the safety of His arms for this is the real safe space that we long for.
We choose responding in love. Honor is our way of affirmation. We honor the people of the Tradition of the Church and the wise men who just recently paved the ways in the Spirit so we can move further. We desire to resolve all conflicts in a peaceful and biblical manner. We encourage all to deal personally with all relational problems: pray, approach with love and honor, resolve. Always think of others as the ones chosen by God to help you in any circumstance and you will not find yourself blaming anyone but praying for them.
Prayer & Worship
We will build a personal and communal atmosphere of prayer and a lifestyle of giving God glory in all things. Prayer is contact with the Father though Jesus in the Holy Spirit. All expressions and heritages of prayer will be sought after. Discussing and following the lifestyle of a worshipper will enable us to draw from the old treasures and pour it into the new wineskins. We avoid externalized, showy, and false piety. We strive for childlike faith. We exhort each person to plan their frequent sacramental participation, a weekly Holy Hour, engage in daily prayer, Lectio Divina and possibly LOTH. Our monthly Adoration will bring the traditional and charismatic elements together.
Intimacy, vulnerability, openness, support in words and deeds, and intercession are the priorities on which we will build our common pursuit of God. We cannot fake building deep relationships yet we can decide to intentionally move forward in appreciating each student and staff. The Father will accomplish His work on the inside of us so we can be real, lovingly restrained, and genuinely open to receiving each other as gifts for such a time as this. Bi-weekly Encounter groups, community gatherings such as hikes and chill outs, daily communication and support through private social groups will help in creating the atmosphere of trust. We hope to enter into communion, koinonia life.
Creativity and beauty
Releasing creativity in every aspect of life, whether it be in the arts or in a parental pedagogical approach, daily tasks, or prayer belongs to the core of our community. Life can not be boring when we live it fully immersed in God's goodness and when His breath animates our imagination, heart, and mind. Imagination and passions renewed in the Holy Spirit will bring breakthroughs and lead us into the new heights of cooperating with Jesus in establishing His beauty, truth, and goodness. We pursue the way of sharing everyone’s charisms with the Church and the world.
“The gospel is absurd and the life of Jesus is meaningless unless we believe that He lived, died, and rose again with but one purpose in mind: to make a brand-new creation. Not to make people with better morals but to create a community of prophets and professional lovers, men and women who would surrender to the mystery of the fire of the Spirit that burns within, who would live in ever greater fidelity to the omnipresent Word of God, who would enter into the center of it all, the very heart and mystery of Christ, into the center of the flame that consumes, purifies, and sets everything aglow with peace, joy, boldness, and extravagant, furious love. This, my friend, is what it really means to be a Christian. ”