BECOMING CHURCH: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds, Teachers.
Seven weeks of in-depth training, mentoring, and releasing you to the Kingdom in a way you were meant to fulfill your call in life!
“And his gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, for the equipment of the saints, for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ; so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the cunning of men, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every joint with which it is supplied, when each part is working properly, makes bodily growth and upbuilds itself in love.”
Discover your ministry gifts, recognize your vocational design, recognize the call on your life, receive your identity in Christ.
Space is limited to 20 people to ensure individual attention and access to personal mentoring.
You are a gift. You were made to conquer, flourish, grow, and have impact. But many people are stalled, omitted, not encouraged, and often wounded or misunderstood in recognizing their call or main vocation in life: the wanderers and outcasts who have not found a place for themselves or struggle to recognize their value. This seven-week long course is designed to accompany you on your way to discover your main gift, your call, and its role in your life and personal integration, as well as assist you in starting to build a long lasting plan in your identity in the Kingdom and help you in understanding God’s design for the function of the church in its fullness.
7 weekly sessions:
Session 1: Introduction and self-discovery:
what is your predominant and supplementary gift that directs your call
what role this self-discovery plays in your spiritual development and growth
dynamic between apostles/prophets/evangelists with shepherd and teachers
Each session 2-6, explores each gift and will cover its particular strengths and weaknesses, immature (underdeveloped) and mature (developed) aspects of the gift with the ways of growth, reconciling, and healing that frees people in becoming Kingdom lovers and builders in their identity and call. Each one will be given a traditional spirituality context and modern application that fits the best its development.
Session 2: Apostles: entrepreneurs in the Spirit. What does it mean to operate in an apostolic gift in the 21st century as an innovator? The fundamental role of this gift in visionary leadership that creates long lasting structures, designs operations and strategies, develops goals and plans, models and understanding of life giving processes that lead to organic start ups. Ignatian model.
Session 3: Prophets: culture challengers. How having a prophetic call sets people as intuitively designed warriors, proclaimers of God’s justice, creative and passionate seers who are connected to the very core of God’s message. How contemplative lifestyle releases artists, reformers, and mystics. Where are the prophetic voices of today and how to recognize them. Carmelite model.
Session 4: Evangelists: friends of Jesus. How the energy of Jesus is transported in words and deeds of His witnesses who gather and encourage others to explore, enter, and join His Kingdom here and now. How this gift mobilizes and intrigues people to try new things. Franciscan model.
Session 5: Shepherds: heart healers. How does feeling God’s heart release you to heal people’s past, present, and keep them in a community that cares, hears, and heals. How this gift offers the ability to create a culture of safety and emotional health, enabling spiritual friendships to flourish, and rhythms of life to be established so we live from a resting place of peace. Benedictine model.
Session 6: Teachers: wisdom guides. Deep thinkers that go beyond philosophical knowledge but contemplate the Truth to communicate in a clear manner. How this gift prepares people to become mentors and guides that reach to the depths of human knowledge enlightened by the Spirit and create an atmosphere where understanding moves people’s hearts to experiencing God’s Presence. Dominican model.
Session 7: How to make your Dream Team:
as a woman or man
in your family, local church/parish, ministry, organization, business or work
combining your primary and secondary APEST gifts
Iwona Bednarz-Major, Founder and Director of Stone to Flesh
What can you expect:
Seven weekly live video sessions (real time interactive video participation)
What you will need:
Journal, pen
$75 per person