Prayer is the song

Prayer is the song of the Holy Spirit in you. You express the lyrics, He gives the melody that tune the words affectionately. The melody carries the words until it becomes a song.

Pauses (selah in Psalms) are taken to take a breath. Selah of God’s Presence, jewels of His Breath enlivening the words to make them colorful shades of One Bright Light. Melody of the Spirit charges your words and you worship, adore, praise, bless, exalt, intercede. Pauses give it a space to breathe in the next gulp of His Presence. Prayer is a song that needs a human heart and Spirit’s music.

When you don’t feel like saying anything, let the Spirit sound His melody in you. Groans and lamentations, mourning and shouts are Him praying. Sometimes they overlap with your emotions, sometimes they surprisingly change them, sometimes they hush them and play different music altogether. Listen to the tune, it’s rhythm, it’s pitch, it’s tempo and the style. Pay attention to the Spirit’s creativity. Sing a new song!