Visitors can attend sessions before lunch from 9:00 am till 12:00 or till 1:00 pm if with lunch). Register and pay here:
8:45 The doors open, check-in
9:00 Praise and Worship, Prayer, Intro
9:30 Teaching: The Knowledge of God & Prayer - Dr. Anthony Lilles
10:15 Tea/Coffee Break; Signing books
10:30 Teaching, ministry time and practicum: Experiencing God in Prayer - Dr. Anthony Lilles
12:00 Common Lunch (if you are half-day visitor, you may order lunch with your ticket)
This part is for student only:
1:00 Life story
1:15 Workshop - Lectio Divina singing
2:15 Tea/Coffee Break
2:30 Encounter groups
3:30 Chanted Vespers
3:50 Announcements
4:00 The end
Stone to Flesh students: The teaching of Dr. Lilles will start our Spiritual Reading in one of his books, "Hidden Mountain, Secret Garden". We will have his other books at the book selling table. You will have an opportunity to have his books signed by him during our event.
We will take collection for the Urban Mission during the event as this is one of the local centers serving and facilitating healing among individuals and communities affected by incarceration. Consider donating by cash or check during the event.
Sign up to bring dessert.