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Heartbeat - Saturday: Leadership
9:00 AM09:00

Heartbeat - Saturday: Leadership

So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up.
— Gal 6:9

Our last Heartbeat Saturday in this season!

Is leadership about the grit, passion, resources, intellectual capacities, talents, gifts, emotional balance, maturity, directness, personality traits, virtues? What's the difference between management and leadership? Does everyone have a potential for leadership? How to cultivate a life where leadership skills can flourish and be exercised? What is Christian leadership? What kind of leaders were the saints? How to build leadership teams in faith communities? Am I a leader, a follower or part of a passive opposition? What possibilities and opportunities of development do lay Catholic leaders have in the apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral and teaching ministries? What does it take to pioneer a Catholic lay ministry?

9:00 Prayer, praise and worship, testimonies

9:30 Leadership: Risk and the Anointing - Dr. Johannes Hartl (via web)

10:15 Coffee Break

10:30 Leadership in Team Building and ministry time - Iwona Bednarz-Major

11:15 Team building practicum

12:00 Lunch break

1:00 - 4:00 only for the students of Stone to Flesh School of the Heart


Johannes Hartl has a burning heart to communicate Gods fascination and beauty in an electrifying way. He was born in 1979, is a Doctor of Catholic Theology and has earned his degrees in German Language and Literature Studies, as well as Philosophy. In 2005 together with his wife he founded the House of Prayer Augsburg. Since 2011 the House of Prayer has not ceased praying and worshipping God by day and night, 24/7. The events of the House of Prayer Augsburg are visited by the thousands. He is also the author of numerous books and an internationally beloved speaker at conferences, known for his way to connect spiritual depth with a sense of humor, intellect and practicability. Together with his wife Jutta and their four children, Johannes lives in Augsburg.

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Heartbeat - Saturday
9:00 AM09:00

Heartbeat - Saturday

We only learn to behave ourselves in the presence of God.
— C. S. Lewis

What is worship? Is our worship becoming banal and superficial? How to renew your mind and enter into the Presence by applying tools of creativity, innovation, and imagination.

What is the place of sacred music and praise and worship in the Church? What has chanting to do with the presence of God? How singing Lectio Divina will take you to another level of immersion in the Word. 

This Saturday we will be talking about music, praise, worship, chanting, creating, singing, and heaven on earth. This is the only Heartbeat Saturday where all visitors (those whoa re not students of Stone to Flesh School of the Heart) can stay longer (you have to pay for lunch), till 2:30pm.  This day will be super beneficial for all singers and musicians, praise and worship leaders, choir and parish music directors as well as all creatives who ache for the renewal of arts, including sacred arts, that will impact the current culture. 

All young adult leaders who desire to lead a liturgical renewal that draws people into the active cooperation with the Holy Spirit should show up for practical tips on how the beauty of the Word and singing can build a local community of belivers. 


9:00 Opening prayer, testimonies, praise and worship. 

9:30 Teaching and Q&A: A lifeline of worship. - Justin Rizzo (via live video conference)

10:15 Tea/Coffee Break

10:30 Teaching and Q&A: Beauty, creativity, imagination and innovation as the means of encountering God - Matt Meeks

11:30  Singing Lectio Divina

12:00 Lunch (Note: We are in the middle of the Nativity Fast and lunch will be vegan: vegetables, fruits and grains).

1:00 Liturgy of the Hours - The Way to the Heart of Worship - Iwona Bednarz-Major

1:45 Workshop (chanting LOTH, preparing parish groups) - Iwona Bednarz-Major and Greg Lima

2:30 Dessert Break

2:45 Encounter Groups

3::45 Announcements

4:00 The end

Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.
— Gustav Mahler

Our speakers:

Justin Rizzo was born and raised in Buffalo, New York. He began leading worship at his local church when he was just 12 years old. In January 2004, he moved to Kansas City, Missouri for an internship at the International House of Prayer. The lifestyle of worship and prayer immediately resonated in Justin's heart and since that time, he has been involved in full-time worship ministry. He teaches Worship Arts at the IHOPU. As a prolific songwriter, Justin greatly enjoys the opportunity to create alongside so many talented singers, musicians, and writers. He has released five albums and been featured on multiple compilation projects along with writing and producing two full-length musicals. In addition, he travels extensively to lead worship and speaks at conferences and events around the world. Justin currently lives in Kansas City with his wife, Naomi, and their daughters. He was featured at the Catholic Ecumenical Tracks during Onething 2015 and Onething 2016.  (click on the links to enter video footage or watch it below)


Matt Meeks grew up in Denver, CO and is the Chief Digital and Marketing Officer at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He is a senior marketing executive with a background in media, creative, digital, communications, analytics and mission focused organizational design which is strengthened by his global perspective and passion for creative thought, human expression and technology. Meeks has advised Hollywood studios, game developers and publishers, celebrity talent, nation states and technology start-ups from an enterprise, brand, product and campaign standpoint with an exemplary track record recruiting, training and managing driven teams that achieve success and positively impact the bottom-line.


Iwona Bednarz-Major trained youth and young adults from the Encounter.Community she co-founded in chanting Liturgy of the Hours in Steubenville and they were forming small groups of parishioners who would lead Advent, Lent, Easter seasons of Morning and Evening Prayer. Here is Psalm 41 chanted by high schoolers (not trained in music, just typical teens :-)) during one of the Adorations in Stubenville. 

The glory of God is the living man, but the life of man is the vision of God’, says St. Irenaeus, getting to the heart of what happens when man meets God on the mountain in the wilderness. Ultimately, it is the very life of man, man himself as living righteously, that is the true worship of God, but life only becomes real life when it receives its form from looking toward God.
— Pope Benedict XVI
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Heartbeat - Saturday: Freedom
9:00 AM09:00

Heartbeat - Saturday: Freedom

Freedom: Healing and Deliverance in the iWorld

You have heard many talks on the topic of healing and deliverance. You want to walk in the power of God, humbly and confidently. You despise triumphalism but you realize that you have not entered into the threshold of the supernatural activity of God in your own life, in your family life, at your work, school or community and you wonder if all the drama of the Book of Acts and the lives of the saints should become the 'normal' in your life. The pros and cons of the expectations are constantly battling in your mind but you know that "For the kingdom of God depends not on talk but on power." 1 Cor 4:20

Visitors can attend sessions before lunch from 9:00 am till 12:00 (or till 1:00 pm if with lunch). Register and pay here:

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Dr. Mary Healy

Dr. Mary Healy is professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit and an international speaker on topics related to Scripture, evangelization, healing, and the spiritual life. She is a general editor of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture and author of two of its volumes, The Gospel of Mark and Hebrews. Her other books include Men and Women Are from Eden: A Study Guide to John Paul II's Theology of the Body and Healing: Bringing the Gift of God’s Mercy to the World. Dr. Healy is chair of the Doctrinal Commission of International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services in Rome. She serves the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian unity as a member of the Pentecostal-Catholic International Dialogue. In 2014 Pope Francis appointed her as one of the first three women ever to serve on the Pontifical Biblical Commission.

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Sean Tobin

Guest instructor from Glendora, CA: Healing, Holy Spirit. Sean is a psychotherapist, holding two masters degrees and finishing his doctorate in clinical psychology at Azusa Pacific University. His dissertation is on "Exorcism, Deliverance, and Psychotherapy", and he personally integrates dynamic therapy with a rich catholic-charismatic anthropology. Once identifying as atheist, Sean was baptized in the Holy Spirit and went to Franciscan University of Steubenville to study Philosophy. He spent two years in religious life before discerning a call to married life, and is now a husband and father of two. He has worked in several mental health settings and served a broad demographic. He currently is a psychological assistant at Aim For Breakthrough, a psychological corporation, and is a singer-songwriter in his spare time. He hopes to help others connect with God in more meaningful and tangible ways, using his training to understand the complementarity of psychological health and spiritual maturity. He is especially interested in the development of God-image, partnering with the Holy Spirit to transform psychological barriers, to experience more of God.



8:45 The doors open, Check-in

9:00 Prayer, Praise and Worship

9:30 Where is Power? - Dr. Mary Healy Talk (via web)

9:50 Q&A with Dr. Mary Healy

10:00 Comments 

10:15 Break

10:30 Longing for Freedom, Wholeness and Happiness: Healing and Deliverance in the iWorld - Sean Tobin

11:15 Ministry time

11:45 Q&A

12:00 Lunch

For Stone to Flesh students only:

1:00 Testimony

1:15 LOTH Intro and chanting - Iwona Bednarz - Major

2:00 Break

2:10 Intro to Encounter Groups - Community Building

2:20 Encounter Groups 

3:20 Fasting - Keith Major

3:50 Announcements

4:00 The end

Day 2: "PARACLETOS - Life in the Spirit" - Who is the Holy Spirit and is He still forgotten or unintentionally neglected among believers in 21st century? Are His charisms real? Should the Book of Acts be our guide as we go out to the world?
You will be able to purchase art prints. Bring $$$. :-)

You will be able to purchase art prints. Bring $$$. :-)


Sign up to share your dessert with others. 

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Heartbeat - Saturday
9:00 AM09:00

Heartbeat - Saturday

Visitors can attend sessions before lunch from 9:00 am till 12:00 or till 1:00 pm if with lunch). Register and pay here:

8:45 The doors open, check-in

9:00 Praise and Worship, Prayer, Intro

9:30 Teaching: The Knowledge of God & Prayer - Dr. Anthony Lilles

10:15 Tea/Coffee Break; Signing books

10:30 Teaching, ministry time and practicum: Experiencing God in Prayer - Dr. Anthony Lilles

12:00 Common Lunch (if you are half-day visitor, you may order lunch with your ticket)

This part is for student only:

1:00 Life story

1:15 Workshop - Lectio Divina singing

2:15 Tea/Coffee Break

2:30 Encounter groups

3:30 Chanted Vespers

3:50 Announcements

4:00 The end


Stone to Flesh students: The teaching of Dr. Lilles will start our Spiritual Reading in one of his books, "Hidden Mountain, Secret Garden". We will have his other books at the book selling table. You will have an opportunity to have his books signed by him during our event. 


We will take collection for the Urban Mission during the event as this is one of the local centers serving and facilitating healing among individuals and communities affected by incarceration. Consider donating by cash or check during the event. 

Sign up to bring dessert. 

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