What happens to people after they encounter Jesus and need to start the process of discipleship? Do we have a place and people groups that they can grow, learn, be equipped, released in their gifts? Do we include them to the family of believers or present programs? How do the hierarchical and charismatic dimensions of the Church work in integrating the gifts and call of the laity, religious and clergy into the Body of Christ? What does it take to become an entrepreneur in the Spirit? How much time, effort, money and prayer does it take to bring the personal and team vision to fruition? What are Catholic best practices in transitioning from preservation mindsets to the new wineskin paradigms oscillating around continual discipleship pricess, based on organizational order, creative formulas, innovative ideas?
9:00 am - Praise and Worship, prayer, testimonies
9:30 am - Transitions in Personal Ministry - Patrick Reis (via web)
10:15 am - Tea/Coffee break
10:30 am - Changing the Parish Culture. - Kurt Klement (via web)
11:15 am - Catholic Small Faith Communities and Ecclesial Movements (with a discussion) that work (part 1) - Iwona Bednarz-Major
12:00 pm - Lunch Break (we eat only green food for St. Patrick's Day)
(this part is for Stone to Flesh students only)
1:00 - Sub-Tracks (two 40 min sessions with 10 min break)
2:30 pm - Tea/Coffee Break
2:45 - Sub-track project development
3:45pm - Announcements
4:00 - The end
Patrick Reis
Patrick is the Coordinator of Encounter Ministries, a host of Encounter Radio, and Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry at St. Patrick Church in Columbus, OH. He has a passion and drive to see Catholics empowered to walk in the power and love of the Holy Spirit and speaks at conferences around the country. He was recently featured in “Fearless” a documentary on the Holy Spirit and Evangelization.
He was featured at Onething 2016 Catholic Ecumenical Track.
Kurt Klement
Husband, Father, Director of Evangelization of St. Ann parish in Coppell, TX. Passionate about the renewal of parishes from maintenance to mission.
He oversees the implementation of Alpha in parish and the transition of his parish going through Divine Renovation process.
It's St. Patrick's Day - we are eating GREEN that day!!!
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