Heartbeat - Tuesday
7:00 Praise and Worship and Singing Lectio Divina
7:30 Teaching, activation and ministry
8:30 Break
8:45 - 9:30 Encounter Groups (accountability, sharing, prayer)
Heartbeat - Tuesday
7:00 Gather
7:15 Testimonies, prayer
7:30 Teaching and ministry
8:45 Encounter Groups
9:45 Intro to Tracks and Announcements
10:00 The end
Heartbeat - Tuesday
7:00 Refreshments
7:15 Testimonies, Opening prayer, praise and worship
7:45 Teaching: Discernment
8:30 Encounter Groups: Application of discernment chart
9:30 Intro to Tracks
9:55 Announcements
Heartbeat- Tuesday
7:00 Praise and Worship, Prayer and Singing Lectio Divina
7:30 Teaching, activation and ministry: Charisms of the HS - Fr. Michael Fones, OP
8:30 Break
8:40 Encounter Groups (accountability, sharing, prayer)
9:25 Announcements
Heartbeat - Tuesday
7:00 Refreshments
7:15 Prayer
7:45 Renewed Mind - Teaching and ministry time
8:45 Encounter Groups
9:45 Night Prayer
9:55 Announcements
10:00 The end. Chill out till 11:00 pm.
Share your dessert or snack with everyone
Heartbeat Tuesday
7:00 Praise and Worship and Singing Lectio Divina
7:20 Teaching, activation and ministry: Human heart. Metanoia. Intimacy. Personal revival. - IBM
8:10 Break
8:20 Encounter Groups (accountability, sharing, prayer)
9:25 Announcements, ending prayer