Imagine every family, sanctuary, church building and parish of every Christian stream becoming a house of prayer so praising, adoring and glorifying the name of Jesus would become a grounding point from which all apostolic work would take place. From resting in the arms of the Father we can bring healing and comfort, with Jesus’ Spirit we can be immersed in the actual needs of the wounded world and prophecy, declare and receive His ideas and strength to go in His authority, empowered and transformed by the grace of prayer.
SCHOOL OF PRAYER will encompass courses online, prayer workshops and sessions/meetings to develop lay prayer spirituality that suits families and singles, households and communities of faith. Topics and themes will go around prayer, intercession, praise and worship and chanting, prophetic, creative expressions, meditation, contemplation, various traditional spiritualities’ prayer approaches: Desert Fathers and Benedictine with Lectio Divina and contemplative aspects, Dominican with the contemplative, Carmelite with the prophetic, supernatural and contemplative aspects, Jesuit with meditation and discernment aspects, Franciscan with mystical and creational aspects etc. New and Old expressions of prayer combined will bring a new sound of praise.
When we learn how to cultivate the Presence in our hearts which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, we can start communal worship practices of Liturgy the of the Hours (Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer), Adoration with silence, singing Lectio Divina (also known as Worship with the Word in a harp and bowl model of prayer), Intercession, contemporary praise and worship with its charismatic/contemplative expressions.
This will be an ongoing project expanding deeply on our School of the Heart and School of the Heart Online first Quarter 1: Identity.
There will be options for families and kids, beginners and proficient, with guests teachers and practitioners, workshops and practicum with singing Lectio Divina (harp and bowl) included.. :-)