What is worship? Is our worship becoming banal and superficial? How to renew your mind and enter into the Presence by applying tools of creativity, innovation, and imagination.
What is the place of sacred music and praise and worship in the Church? What has chanting to do with the presence of God? How singing Lectio Divina will take you to another level of immersion in the Word.
This Saturday we will be talking about music, praise, worship, chanting, creating, singing, and heaven on earth. This is the only Heartbeat Saturday where all visitors (those whoa re not students of Stone to Flesh School of the Heart) can stay longer (you have to pay for lunch), till 2:30pm. This day will be super beneficial for all singers and musicians, praise and worship leaders, choir and parish music directors as well as all creatives who ache for the renewal of arts, including sacred arts, that will impact the current culture.
All young adult leaders who desire to lead a liturgical renewal that draws people into the active cooperation with the Holy Spirit should show up for practical tips on how the beauty of the Word and singing can build a local community of belivers.
9:00 Opening prayer, testimonies, praise and worship.
9:30 Teaching and Q&A: A lifeline of worship. - Justin Rizzo (via live video conference)
10:15 Tea/Coffee Break
10:30 Teaching and Q&A: Beauty, creativity, imagination and innovation as the means of encountering God - Matt Meeks
11:30 Singing Lectio Divina
12:00 Lunch (Note: We are in the middle of the Nativity Fast and lunch will be vegan: vegetables, fruits and grains).
1:00 Liturgy of the Hours - The Way to the Heart of Worship - Iwona Bednarz-Major
1:45 Workshop (chanting LOTH, preparing parish groups) - Iwona Bednarz-Major and Greg Lima
2:30 Dessert Break
2:45 Encounter Groups
3::45 Announcements
4:00 The end
Our speakers:
Justin Rizzo was born and raised in Buffalo, New York. He began leading worship at his local church when he was just 12 years old. In January 2004, he moved to Kansas City, Missouri for an internship at the International House of Prayer. The lifestyle of worship and prayer immediately resonated in Justin's heart and since that time, he has been involved in full-time worship ministry. He teaches Worship Arts at the IHOPU. As a prolific songwriter, Justin greatly enjoys the opportunity to create alongside so many talented singers, musicians, and writers. He has released five albums and been featured on multiple compilation projects along with writing and producing two full-length musicals. In addition, he travels extensively to lead worship and speaks at conferences and events around the world. Justin currently lives in Kansas City with his wife, Naomi, and their daughters. He was featured at the Catholic Ecumenical Tracks during Onething 2015 and Onething 2016. (click on the links to enter video footage or watch it below)
Matt Meeks grew up in Denver, CO and is the Chief Digital and Marketing Officer at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He is a senior marketing executive with a background in media, creative, digital, communications, analytics and mission focused organizational design which is strengthened by his global perspective and passion for creative thought, human expression and technology. Meeks has advised Hollywood studios, game developers and publishers, celebrity talent, nation states and technology start-ups from an enterprise, brand, product and campaign standpoint with an exemplary track record recruiting, training and managing driven teams that achieve success and positively impact the bottom-line.
Iwona Bednarz-Major trained youth and young adults from the Encounter.Community she co-founded in chanting Liturgy of the Hours in Steubenville and they were forming small groups of parishioners who would lead Advent, Lent, Easter seasons of Morning and Evening Prayer. Here is Psalm 41 chanted by high schoolers (not trained in music, just typical teens :-)) during one of the Adorations in Stubenville.