Knowing the need for integrating body, soul, and spirit to become Christ-like and cultivate life in the Spirit, and to continually learn to live from rest in the midst of the ever-warring world, we are launching
Hildegard’s Fast is a fast that can be practiced with any kind of fasting as described below. It has additional specific information, practices, and therapeutic ideas relating to the holistic renewal of body, soul, and spirit, based on St. Hildegard von Bingen’s wisdom and knowledge and largely confirmed by modern science.
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marana tha revival
He came as Emmanuel. He will come as king messiah. He is coming as Savior.
Join Stone to Flesh School of the Heart as we are storming heaven for the Southern California (or whatever location you are in) to receive Emmanuel, God who desires to be with us, Savior of all - Jesus, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. As He was born in poverty and hidden form the world, we expect Him to be born in the hidden depths of our hearts but we are set on proclaiming His coming as loud as the angels did, trumpets included. We want to become who we are so everything inside and around us can be revived, the risks we take can be life worthy and we can enter to the territories which only the friends of God can occupy. Our mode of the cry out is threefold:
Intentional, consistent, following Nativity Fast tradition in the Eastern Catholic Church or your own modified version
Fasting, prayer and almsgiving will provoke our hearts to hunger for personal revival that will spread from each heart into our families, work places, parishes, communities and neighborhoods.
Fasting should be done after personal discernment, consultation with spiritual director and/or a doctor, in case you have some health issues.

“We live in a society whose whole policy is to excite every nerve in the human body and keep it at the highest pitch of artificial tension, to strain every human desire to the limit and to create as many new desires and synthetic passions as possible, in order to cater to them with the products of our factories and printing presses and movie studios and all the rest. ”
The discipline of fasting is an ancient Christian spiritual practice that accompanies prayer and almsgiving through four liturgical seasons. We practice four times a year: The Nativity Fast (before Christmas), The Great lent Fast (before Easter), The Apostles Fast (after Pentecost), The Dormition Fast (before the Fest of Dormition).
As a spiritual discipline, fasting's goal is to reorient our attention, time and resources to the things that matter in the Kingdom of God. Fasting during the Nativity Fast should provide enough food to satisfy the hunger and sustain the body for the glory of God. Therefore, fasting will look different for everyone. We propose Eastern Christian tradition of fasting for its cyclical benefits to body, soul and spirit. Pray to discern your kind of fast. Avoid laxity and legalism.
Nov. 15 - Dec. 12:
Abstinence from: All Meats, Dairy Products and Eggs – no animal products
No abstinence from: Shellfish, Grains, Vegetables & Vegetable Products, Olive Oil; Fruit, Wine
Mon, Wed, Fri - no dairy, no meat, one small meal
Tue, Thur, Sat - no dairy, no meat
Sundays and Feasts - no dairy, no meat, fish, oil, wine allowed
Dec. 13 - 24:
Strict fast on fruit, vegetables and grains, one small meal
Sundays and Feasts: Fish, oil allowed
Nov 15, Tue - Fast starts (you can start on Nov. 14 after Vespers; you can also start your optimal fast in Advent on Nov. 27 but eliminate slowly certain food groups in the early days)
Fast as on Sundays:
Nov. 20, Sun - King of the Universe Solemnity
Nov 24, Thur - Thanksgiving - don’t overeat!
Nov. 27, Dec. 4, 11, 18, Sundays of Advent
Dec. 8, Thur - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Dec. 12, Mon - Our Lady of Guadalupe
Dec 24, Sat - Fast ends after Christmas Vigil Mass
We hel the brokenhearted.
We equip believers.
We releasee disciples.
Dec. 24: Strict fast till Vespers (Evening Prayer)
Fasting should be done after personal discernment, consultation with spiritual director and/or a doctor, in case you have some health issues.
Can the Nativity Fast be modified? Yes, there are several types of fast.
1. Water fast: you drink only water throughout the whole fast.
2. Liquid fast: you drink only water, veggie broth, herbal teas and highly diluted juices.
3. Daniel fast: as in the Book of Daniel chapter 1, you eat only vegetables, including juicing or as in the Daniel chapter 10, you eat vegetables, fruits, grains. You drink only water and herbal teas.
4. Abstinence fast: you abstain from certain kinds of foods, and you moderate the amount of food you eat.