Sept. 2023 - May 2024
Learn more about School of the Heart:
St Anthony of Padua, 1050 W 163rd St, Gardena, CA 90247
Tuesdays, 6:45 -9:00 pm, starting September 12
Register for 3 week FREE TRIAL if you just want to try SOTH:
Apply to School of the Heart 2023/24 as a full-time student:
The trial lasts three weeks ad includes the registration fee for SOTH. After the trial is over, and you decide to stay as a student, you will be asked to pay for the time you have already attended from Sept. 5.
Los Angeles School of the Heart in St. Anthony de Padua in Gardena, CA will be led by Stone to Flesh Full-Time Missionaries:
Monsignor Sal Pilato, pastor of St. Anthony of Padua in Gardina, CA - Adorations and Advisor
Iwona Bednarz-Major - Director and Instructor
Vincent Munoz - Music Director and Instructor
Teah Major - Creative Director and Instructor
and Stone to Flesh Voluntary Missionaries
Application process:
The application fee is $25 per person. It is non-refundable and nontransferrable. After applying you will be contacted within 48 hours to schedule a live or Skype qualification conversation.
You will receive a link for two references which you will send to two non-family members.
The whole 9-month School of the Heart costs $900. You will receive a link with instructions to set your nine monthly payments: $100 per person, $150 per married couple. 10% discounts apply to undergrad students. Each monthly installment has to be paid by the 1st of each month. Additionally, you will participate in the fall retreat, and Alpha weekend in the spring, for which you need to pay separately.
Clergy and the laity active in full-time ministry who are already required to raise their own support, widows and single parents with dependable children, contact: for more details on discounted rates
If you can not pay $100 monthly fee, contact for $50 - $100 monthly payments until the whole $900 will be paid off.
An E-mail with confirmation of finalizing your application will be sent to your e-mail account. You will receive a proposed date for an in-person or online interview.
After receiving your Application and References, you will be informed within a week about your acceptance or decline to the SOTH. If accepted, you will receive:
An agreement form with your commitment to be signed on the 1st day of the SOTH
An invite to the online Classroom with payment link and instructions, announcements, calendar, all resources needed.
We consider only those applicants who have the desire to follow Jesus and are ready to make sacrifices in altering their schedules and priorities to make a personal and financial commitment to nine months (Sept. 2022 - May 2023) of dedicated training, equipping, and ministry.
Read the stories of Stone to Flesh School of the Heart graduates:
TRUST THAT TRANSFORMS Through the last few years I’ve found myself invited to pray with or pray for people, and as a Christian - it’s absolutely a gift to respond to these moments of vulnerability and intimacy as the hands and feet of our God. To be so close to hear His heartbeat for his people and for me. While all of this is undoubtedly beautiful, I tend to be one of the ones who drags my feet to lead, too scared to not be the “right” person to usher in what God wants to do.
TRUE WORSHIP That 1st year I found that to worship Him is more than music, more than silence, more than being present with people, more than bettering myself. It happens in all these settings of course, but anyone can as well do those things and not even believe in God. I could have gone the route of simply being mindful. I could have emptied myself in silence yet never received His presence. I could have been a good listener and kind to others and never known God.
I AM YOOUR STRENGTH Stone to Flesh has given me a community of people who are seeking God. They have inspired me to go deeper, to read my Bible, read spiritual books, to freely worship God, to fast, and to pray for people. (…) One of my favorite parts of this community is that Iwona tells us to hurry up and be our real selves so that we can be loved even when people know our worst selves. I have gotten to see many of the community members when they are “real” especially when things are not going as planned (which happens a lot) and I love that we get past it. The Stone to Flesh Community’s culture has made it a safe place where even though I was being stretched I was also being held together. I was accepted.
“There are depths of God that I would have never known if it wouldn’t have been for this community, wounds that would have never healed, people I wouldn’t call my brothers and sisters. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve in this community and I can honestly say, I have found my tribe.”
ALDO NAVA, alumni of 2017/18 School of the Heart